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If you long for a deeper understanding of and intimacy with yourself and others,

are willing to undertake the exploration into that which is keeping you stuck in repetitive patterns,

and have the courage to embrace the unknown . . .


I am here to support and bear witness to the deepening of your distinct and empowered self,

engaging in what is true and alive in each moment with creativity, compassion, and connection.


Especially if you are someone moved by the pursuit of living a life true to an ever-evolving path of authenticity

and wholeness, considering that which matters most in the here and now with appreciation

and wonder about the mystery and complexity of all the forces that came together to

make you, you.

What you might bring into therapy with me:


The desire to engage in conversations

about the nature of the journey,

to locate

doorways to meaning


questions that lead to


truly matter in life.



Offering Telehealth and Outdoor Sessions 
Working remotely throughout California and in person as needed.


$185 for 50 minute session with sliding scale available. 
Please inquire




​​Sliding scale available. Please inquire. 


You are entitled to a good-faith estimate for the cost of services when paying out of pocket as part of the "No Surprises Act."

Offering Telehealth Sessions - Working remotely throughout California.


In-person Sessions in Oakland

When things are shaky, and nothing is working,

we might realize we are on the verge of something.

- Pema Chodron

My approach is . . .

Heart Shape Cookie Cutter

Client Focused


Relationally based


Attachment oriented




Spiritually sensitive


Culturally attuned


Creative and multi-dimensional


Steeped in depth - honoring the wisdom of 

dreams, art, movement

I aspire to . . .

Salted Chocolate Swirls

Locate and truly see you where you are . . .

and support your visions and process of discovering where you want to go.


Hear you . . .

as you reclaim and redefine the story of your life

in the uniqueness of your own voice.


Shine light upon . . 

the hidden gold beneath the surface  of awareness

so that you might mine aspects of yourself

not yet explored and honored.


Support you . . .

as you venture into territory which feels tender

and vulnerable so that you might know and appreciate, embody and express yourself

more fully and authentically.

Only what is truly oneself has the power to heal.


- C.G. Jung

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